Raul Khinkiladze - otorhinolaryngologist


Batumi Shota Rustaveli Medical Faculty;
Kharkiv (Ukraine) Postgraduate Medical Academy.
St. Stavropol State Medical Academy (physician medical case) – 1997-2003
St. Stavropol State Medical Academy – residency 2003-2005.

Work experience:

• Batumi Republican Clinical Hospital – doctor otorhinolaryngologist, from 2018 until now;
• Khozrevanidze Clinic – doctor otorhinolaryngologist (2018 – 2022);
• Otorhinolaryngologist doctor of Health Center “Medina” LLC, from 2010 until now.
Otorhinolaryngologist at “Medhouse” clinic (2018-2020)
• Otorhinolaryngologist doctor of “Paracelsi” clinic 2008-2012
• st. Otorhinolaryngologist of Kharkiv Otorhinolaryngology Center
• Japaridze-Kevanishvili National Center for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases LLC – intern;
• Clinic “Medalfa” from 2022
• From 2022, the clinic – “Sagittarius”

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დოქტორი რაულ ხინკილაძე Dr. Raul Khinkiladze
Quick Profile

Name: Raul Khinkiladze​

Address:                                   St. Gorgiladze 91, Batumi, 6010

Phone:                                                                 +995 577 77 97 97

Email:                                                                    [email protected]

Degree                                                          M.Dr.

Categories:  Otorhinolaryngologist

Raul Khinkiladze - otorhinolaryngologist


Batumi Shota Rustaveli Medical Faculty;
Kharkiv (Ukraine) Postgraduate Medical Academy.
St. Stavropol State Medical Academy (physician medical case) – 1997-2003
St. Stavropol State Medical Academy – residency 2003-2005.

Work experience:

• Batumi Republican Clinical Hospital – doctor otorhinolaryngologist, from 2018 until now;
• Khozrevanidze Clinic – doctor otorhinolaryngologist (2018 – 2022);
• Otorhinolaryngologist doctor of Health Center “Medina” LLC, from 2010 until now.
Otorhinolaryngologist at “Medhouse” clinic (2018-2020)
• Otorhinolaryngologist doctor of “Paracelsi” clinic 2008-2012
• st. Otorhinolaryngologist of Kharkiv Otorhinolaryngology Center
• Japaridze-Kevanishvili National Center for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases LLC – intern;
• Clinic “Medalfa” from 2022
• From 2022, the clinic – “Sagittarius”

Doctors Timetable

July 2024
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