Effective treatment of psoriasis in children in Batumi - SAGITTARIUS Clinic
Effective treatment of psoriasis in children in Batumi

Effective treatment of psoriasis in children in Batumi

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease in which a specific rash appears on the skin. Sometimes the rash is accompanied by itching. In about 15% of cases, psoriasis develops in childhood. The older the child, the higher the probability of developing the disease. A diagnosis of psoriasis usually causes great anxiety and excitement in parents. Although there is currently no way to permanently cure psoriasis, there are many methods that can help children with the disease lead a comfortable and socially active life. So what`s effective treatment of psoriasis in children in Batumi?

Often, childhood psoriasis is mild and responds well to treatment. It is possible to achieve long-term remission when psoriasis symptoms are absent or minimal. In rare cases, anti-inflammatory treatment is prescribed orally or by injection.

Causes of psoriasis in children

Often, the cause of psoriasis is a bacterial infection, such as sore throat. In addition, children inherit certain genes from their parents that increase the likelihood of its development. Risk factors for developing the disease in children also include: certain medications, cold weather, and high levels of stress. However, it is often impossible to find out the actual cause of psoriasis.

In rare cases, it is necessary to take a small piece of skin (no more than 4 mm) from the rash area to clarify the diagnosis with the help of histological examination.

Treatment of psoriasis in children in Batumi

The basis of external treatment of psoriasis is external corticosteroid drugs, which quickly reduce the inflammatory process. Parents are sometimes afraid to prescribe such drugs. These fears are not unfounded, if medicines are used uncontrollably, without a doctor’s prescription, the course of the disease can significantly worsen and cause other problems. The correct use of corticosteroids prescribed by a specialist allows you to achieve a quick and stable positive result without causing unwanted effects. Sometimes, as needed, both external and internal medicines are prescribed, which increase the effectiveness of the prevention of this disease.

In difficult cases, systemic anti-inflammatory drugs such as cyclosporine or methotrexate are used.

Currently, in addition to traditional medicines, more modern biological drugs are used to treat psoriasis in adolescents, which are aimed at blocking specific proteins that play a key role in the development of psoriasis. These medications are intended to treat patients with severe psoriasis. The list of these drugs approved for the treatment of children is gradually expanding.

Narrow-spectrum ultraviolet rays treatment of psoriasis in children in Batumi

A method that has proven its effectiveness is treatment with narrow-spectrum ultraviolet rays (UV 311 nm). This method is more suitable for adults, whose skin area is affected by psoriasis at least 10%. For young children, such treatment should be performed with caution to avoid heavy radiation exposure, as this may increase the risk of developing skin malignancies later. On the other hand, in adults (UV 311 nm), studies of exposure to ultraviolet radiation have shown that there is no risk of developing such neoplasms in adult patients, which cannot be said about tanning under the sun, and even more so mechanically, i.e. in a solarium.

The key to success in the treatment of psoriasis in children is to consult a doctor and carefully follow the instructions of a specialist, prevent possible factors contributing to the development of the disease, and provide psychological support to the little patient.

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